Presentation ONLY Submission: One-Page Abstract
We now offer an option of “presentations ONLY” owing to increased demands. Authors should prepare a “One-page Abstract“ using the word template and submit it for review by April 15, 2023 April 30, 2023 via online submission site.
※ NOTE: All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
- Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings. But they will NOT be considered for IEEE NANO 2023 Best Paper Award nor be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore or other A&I databases.
- To be considered for inclusion into IEEE Xplore, full papers (4 to 6 pages) must be submitted by April 15, 2023.
Presentation ONLY Abstract Submission Deadline is Extended to 30 April 2023!!
Click HERE for Online Submission
Click HERE for a Word Template of a One-Page Abstract
- How to Submit
- To Submit a “One-page Abstract“
One-page abstract should be submitted by a designated “Corresponding Author” with the steps below:
- Go to the Online Submission Site
- Follow the link to “Submit a Contribution to NANO 2023” to the right of NANO 2023 listing
- Select the Type of Submission that you are interested (i.e., “Abstracts (presentation only)“)
- Fill in the information about “Title, Authors*, Keywords**, and Abstract“; and then continue to the next page
- Upload your abstract in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex (Note: The main.tex file should be called root.tex)
* NOTE: “Authors” should be entered through their PIN numbers and every author must have a PIN.
- If you have submitted papers to prior NANO conferences: You should have your PIN number. You can retrieve your or co-authors’ existing PIN or set/reset your PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site.
- If you have never submitted papers to NANO conferences: You should set your PIN and PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site. The same should be done for the authors without PIN.
** NOTE: Authors should select “Keywords”, which are the names of NTC Technical Committees (TC), when submitting an abstract. The Technical Program Committee will handle the peer reviews of submitted abstracts and accepted abstracts will be assigned to the appropriate sessions based on the author’s application and program requirements.
*** NOTE: Accepted abstracts will NOT be considered for IEEE NANO 2023 Best Paper Award nor will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. To be considered for inclusion into IEEE Xplore, full papers (4 to 6 pages) must be submitted by April 15, 2023.
- To Update an Existing Submission
- Go to the Online Submission Site
- Login with your PIN and PASSWORD; and go to the author workspace for NANO 2023
- Follow the link to “Update Submission Information” or to “Reupload” the manuscript file
- Notification of Acceptance
Notification of acceptance will be sent at May 10, 2023 to the authors’ emails.
- Final Abstract Submission
Final abstracts in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex must be submitted on or before May 30, 2023 with revisions/updates based on review comments.
- Author Registration
At least one author must register to the conference with payment by May 30, 2023 and attend the Conference to present the work. Abstracts will NOT be included in the Conference Proceedings without paid registration.
Questions? — Email to: