Special Invited Sessions
SIS1: 2D and Nanomaterials
Session Chair: Eui-Hyeok YANG, Steven Institute of Technology, USA
Description: There has been a growing interest in two-dimensional (2D) crystals beyond graphene, facilitating novel electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are semiconductors, providing a promising alternative to graphene, owing to their unique properties, including direct bandgap, strong spin–orbit coupling and etcs. TMDs are heavily studied for fundamental studies and applications in high-end electronics, spintronics, optoelectronics, energy harvesting, flexible electronics, and DNA sequencing. Suppose these materials could be developed to be highly reliable and high fidelity, it could have an enormous impact on the future research and commercialization of TMD-based devices.
SIS2: Latest Advances in Magnetic Nanotechnology
Session Chair: Valentine NOVOSAD, Argonne Nat’l Laboratory, USA
Description: This Focus Session emphasizes interdisciplinary research exploring and exploiting
magnetic materials and phenomena at the nanoscale that find practical applications in many areas, from novel low-power electronics and sensors to advanced drugs and personalized medicine. The Session is organized in close collaboration with the IEEE Magnetics Society, a premier organization that promotes the advancement of science, technology, applications, and training in magnetism.
SIS3: First Principles Modeling and Simulation of Plasma Processes for Atomic Scale Precision Semiconductor Device Fabrication: Opportunities and Challenges
Session Chair: Peter VENTZEK and Robert LONGO, Tokyo Electron America, Inc., USA
Description: Semiconductor device fabrication works beyond the nanoscale. Advanced processes display angstrom-level variations that impact device performance and manufacturing viability. However, diagnostics used to guide device fabrication are often blind to important process variations. Traditional design of experiments has prohibitive time and resource costs. First principles simulation techniques can peer through metrology limits and boost both experimental and fabrication capabilities. In this Special Session, we will show a wide variety of academic and industry simulation contributions that will describe the state of the art in the field running the gambit of both simulation methods and complementary experiments, which will doubtlessly have a positive impact on other contributions across the IEEE-Nano conference.
SIS4: Spintronic Phenomena in Topological & 2D Materials
Session Chair: Pramey UPADHYAYA, Purdue Univ., USA; Supriyo BANDYOPADHYAY, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., USA
Description: This session seeks contributions on spintronic phenomena manifested in quantum materials like topological insulators (both 2D and 3D), Weyl semimetals, anomalous quantum Hall materials, van der Waal’s heterostructures, etc. as well as skyrmions, anti-skyrmions and Majorana Fermions with applications in spintronic technologies.
SIS5: Nanoacoustic Sensing for Biological and Biomedical Applications
Session Chair: Priya BALASUBRAMANIAN, Cornell Univ., USA; James B. SPICER, Johns Hopkins Univ., USA
Description: The advent of new nanobiosensing techniques using acoustic resonators and sensors is advancing the limits of resolution, sensitivity, and biocompatibility in many biological and biomedical applications. In this session, advancements in BAW- and SAW-based sensors will be highlighted focusing on high frequency applications, particularly important in biological applications as these can potentially provide heightened sensitivities and specificities for analytes in complex environments. Application topics will be highlighted in the areas of nucleic acid, virus, and vesicular sensing, liquid-regime acoustic radiation and streaming effects, and integrated neuronal sensing and stimulation systems.
SIS6: Nano-bio-microfluidic Platforms in Clinical and Biomedical Applications
Session Chair: Kin Fong LEI, Chang Gung Univ., Taiwan
Description: Based on the mature development of micro/nano technologies, bio-nano-micro systems became a powerful tool for various biomedical/clinical analyses in recent years. A lot of demonstrations have been reported because of their advantages associated with miniaturization, automation, sensitivity, and specificity. In this special session, five experts will share their recent developments on bio-nano-micro systems for biomedical/clinical applications.
SIS7: New Directions and Challenges for Computing with Nanotechnology
Session Chair: Giovanni FINOCCHIO, Univ. of Messina, Italy; Moitreyee MUKHERJEE-ROY, IBM, USA
Description: The talks of this session will discuss recent directions and challenges for the hardware implementation (nanotechnology) of different computing paradigms. The discussion will cover Ising machines implemented with spintronic technology, organic heterojunction transistors for probabilistic applications, in-memory computing with non-volatile memories and GHz ultrasound wavefront computing. Challenges of simulation approaches for quantum circuits will be also discussed. The session is organized by the TC-16 on neuromorphic, quantum and unconventional computing.
SIS8: Nano Energy and Self-Powered Systems
Session Chair: Yannan XIE, Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommunications, China
Description: The world is moving towards a net carbon zero society, and with this more systems will need to become self-powered with low carbon footprint. Nano Energy that scavenging energy from the environment that could power many IoT devices. Until now, many new promising discoveries have been developed, including but not limited to: nanogenerators, self-powered systems, piezotronics, piezo-phototronics, tribotronics, the origins of contact-electrification, and expanded Maxwell’s equations. These have led to applied areas of high entropy energy, self-powered sensors, piezocatalysis, blue energy etc. This session is focused on progress at the forefront in nano energy, self-powered system, and related areas.
SIS9: Nano Devices and their Applications
Session Chair: Moonjoo LEE, Byoung-Don KONG, Chang-Ki BAEK, Pohang Univ. of Science & Technology (POSTECH), Korea
Description: This special invited session includes broad-interest areas, ranged from nanoscale devices to quantum devices. In particular, this session speakers consist of professors and senior researchers in Korea, exhibiting various, cutting-edge, and excellent research performances. This session would offer special opportunities for stimulating discussions and idea exchanges among IEEE NTC members.
SIS10: Advanced Nanofabrication Technologies
Session Chair: Xiaogan LIANG, Univ. of Michigan, USA
Description: This session invites the papers that present the innovative studies related to the development of novel nanofabrication, nanolithography, and nanomanufacturing technologies. The scope of this session also broadly involves the new device applications, system implementations, and computation models catalyzed by the frontier progress of nanofabrication technologies.
SIS11: Nanomaterials-based Smart Wearables
Session Chair: Wenzhuo WU, Purdue Univ., USA
Description: This session seeks papers that describe studies that involve the design and integration of nanomaterials for smart wearable applications. This session broadly encompasses the synthesis, processing, and characterization of functional nanomaterials for wearable sensors and electronics.
SIS12: Heavy Metal-based Nitride and Oxide Materials for Superconducting Nanowire Single-photon Detectors
Session Chair: Srikanth ITAPU, Alliance Univ., India; Vamsi BORRA, Youngstown State Univ., USA
Description: Detectors for single photon counting applications have been perennially explored owing to the complexity in developing optical systems. Conventional semiconductor technologies such as Si photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) offers good efficiency and detection characteristics but their cut off wavelength is low and are not suitable for use in the near to mid-infrared. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs or SSPDs) have established themselves in the last decade as the gold standard for infrared single-photon counting applications. They have demonstrated near unity system detection efficiency at the optical window of 1550 nm and timing jitter of 3ps FWHM. This special invited session focuses on studying novel heavy-metal based nitrides and oxides vis-à-vis, theoretical studies as well as fabrication and characterization.
SIS13: Nanotechnology for Soft Electronics
Session Chair: Cunjiang YU, Pennsylvania State Univ., USA; Yong ZHU, North Carolina State Univ., USA; Hae-Jin KIM, Yonsei Univ., Korea; Kyoseung SIM, Ulsan Nat’l Institute of Science & Technology, Korea
Description: Soft electronics is envisioned as the future of next-generation electronic devices where devices can be readily deployed in various environments and scenarios, such as onbody, on-skin, biomedical implants, sensors, robotics, agriculture, etc. The recent advancements in nanotechnology have particularly spurred the advances of soft electronics in many aspects. A plethora of nanomaterials (e.g., nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, graphene, and other 2D materials) have played a key role in soft electronics. This session will bring together researchers to foster knowledge exchange and promote discussions on the recent development and future of nanotechnology for soft electronics and related topics.
SIS14-1: Low Temperature Physics Modeling for Classical and Quantum Devices I
Session Chair: Roza KOTLYAR, Intel Corporation, USA; Yong-Hoon KIM, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea; Josef WEINBUB, TU WienGußhausstraße
Description: Low temperatures bring out intricate physics phenomena. Interaction with environment, defects in materials result in device noise and nonidealities. The first session will discuss experiments and theory on the impact of imperfections on device performance, novel DFT-NEGF methods employed for junctions, and experiments on superfuidity.
SIS14-2: Low Temperature Physics Modeling for Classical and Quantum Devices II
Session Chair: Roza KOTLYAR, Intel Corporation, USA; Yong-Hoon KIM, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea; Josef WEINBUB, TU WienGußhausstraße
Description: Low temperatures bring out intricate physics phenomena. Interaction with environment, defects in materials result in device noise and nonidealities. The second session will discuss bandstructure parameters for semiconductor devices and on TCAD modeling of quantum platforms and challenges of characterization of cryogenic devices.
SIS15: 2D Nanomaterials and Their Innovative Nanoelectronics
Session Chair: Deji AKINWANDE, Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA; Li TAO, Southeast Univ., China
Description: This session invites the papers that present the state-of-the-art research and development on 2D materials and their innovative nanoelectronics such as flexible or wearable transistor, photodetectors, memristor and other devices. The scope of this session also broadly involves the new device applications, circuits design and system integration by the frontier progress of 2D materials and devices emerging with CMOS technology.
SIS16: Nanogenerators and Piezotronics
Session Chair: Yunlong ZI, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
Description: Recent advances in nanogenerators research demonstrated their feasibility and great potential in harvesting various types of energy from the environment, leading to novel power sources that operate over a broad range of conditions for extended time periods with high reliability and independence. The long-overlooked coupling between piezoelectric polarization and semiconductor properties in piezoelectric semiconductors, results in piezotronics. Nanogenerators and piezotronics has led to the implementation of various types of micro/nano-systems for implantable electronics, remote and mobile environmental sensors, nano-robotics, intelligent MEMS/NEMS, portable/wearable personal electronics and blue energy technology.
SIS17: Materials and Devices for Biomedical Applications
Session Chair: Xinge YU, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Description: The emerging field of bio-integrated electronics have attracted great of attention. This session seeks papers that describe research works that associate with the development of functional materials and devices from nano to macro scale for biomedical engineering related applications. The contents include but not limited with nano-materials, thin film devices, implantable electronics, biodegradable devices, advanced materials/devices mechanics designs.
SIS18: Nanoscale Photodetectors and Intelligent Perceptions
Session Chair: Weida HU and Jinshui MIAO, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Description: Photodetectors are one of the most ubiquitous types of technology in use today. Most photodetectors built from conventional bulk semiconductors such as silicon, InGaAs, InSb, HgCdTe, etc. can detect photons with wavelengths ranging from visible to far-infrared. In the past few decades, material growth and device fabrication technologies are becoming mature, which enables much more sophisticated photodetectors with high detectivity, fast response, and high resolution. However, lightweight, uncooled, and even intelligent photodetectors are now highly demanded in the emerging field of wearable electronics, intelligent robotics, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), self-driving cars, etc. Therefore, a photodetector can itself constitute an artificial neural network that can simultaneously sense and process optical images without latency is highly appealing. Low-dimensional photonic materials with exceptional optical, electrical, and even reconfigurable properties, have recently received tremendous research interest for nanoscale photodetectors and intelligent perceptions. IEEE-NANO always focuses on the development of nanoscale optoelectronic devices. This session on nanoscale photodetectors and intelligent perceptions are timely and innovative.
SIS19: Nano-biomaterials and Nano-biosensors in Biomedical Application
Session Chair: Yu-Jui FAN, Taipei Medical Univ., Taiwan
Description: In recent years, a great deal of focus has been aimed to engineer biomaterial-based cues, both at the micro/nano scales, and biosensors with applied perspectives for target applications in different bio- and non-bio sectors of the modern world. The key scientific advancements in biomedical area, have presented next generation concepts related to biomaterials. Use of properly designed and structured materials, allows for the development well-defined sensing prototype that supports a series of directed events. For these reasons, we are pleased to launch the invited session and the issue is focused on “biomaterials and biosensors in biomedical application”.
SIS20: Cutting-edge of Phonon and Electron Control for Nano-device
Session Chair: Daisuke OHORI, Tohoku Univ., Japan
Description: This invited session presents papers that describe studies that involve the design, fabrication, and characterization of phonon and electron control by nanoscale semiconductor devices. This session broadly encompasses the processing, and characterization of materials where the nanoscale structure is germane to the designing of phonon and electron regulation.
SIS21: Recent Advances in Micro-/Nano-Robotics
Session Chair: Yu SUN, Univ. of Toronto, Canada; Lixin DONG, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Description: Topics of this invited session include micro-/nanorobotic manipulation, field-driven micro-/nanorobots, biomedical applications, industrial applications, and key components for micro-/nanorobotic systems.
SIS22: Workshop on Nanotechnology for Computing
Session Chair: Sorin COTOFANA, Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherlands; Antonio RUBIO, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; Georgios Ch. SIRAKOULIS, Democritus Univ. of Thrace, Greece; Fabrizio LOMBARDI, Northeastern Univ., USA
Description: During the last decade, significant efforts have been made on a worldwide basis by the scientific community as well as industry to change nanodevices, nanocircuits and nanosystems, aiming to a new technological era that would revolutionize the world of nanotechnology and improve the quality of life as never before. New disruptive nanotechnologies, beyond CMOS, including emerging technologies such as spintronics, molecular, superconducting, DNA, just to name a few, at the lowest device level, are paving the way towards to so-called nanocomputing, i.e., computers that utilize devices smaller than 10 nanometers while encompassing also nano circuit design considerations.
More specifically, the research community has witnessed impressive changes, which have inevitably moved the current CMOS technology scaling toward atomic boundaries, almost signaling the end of Moore’s era. Efforts are being made to search for novel materials for the development of disruptive nanotechnologies, enabling the fabrication of multi-purpose devices that can boost further all aspects of nanocomputing and related technological approaches. At all levels, these considerations have led to completely new technological computational paradigms such as approximate, stochastic, probabilistic, neuromorphic, molecular, spintronic and bioinspired. It should be noted that these technological paradigms require the physical basis (so devices) and efficient implementation and fabrication frameworks (from circuits to modules) to ensure that computation at the nanoscales can be efficiently performed along such nonconventional venues.
The focus of this workshop is to highlight the most recent research developments on innovative technologies for the design and implementation of novel nanocomputing paradigms. It will provide a unique forum for the discussion of the latest research achievements in the multifaceted scientific field of nanocomputing, that may contribute to the future development of circuits, sensors and processors with improved performance compared to the current state-of-the-art. With the aim to enrich the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology 2023 (IEEE NANO 2023) program with a comprehensive overview of the latest technological achievements in this multidisciplinary research field, the proposed nanocomputing-centered scientific forum will host contributions from outstanding international experimentalists, engineers and designers, providing a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge, identify open issues, and propose future research directions across a wide number of different areas, from material engineering, to device physics, from circuit and systems, to circuit design and architecture.
SIS23: IEEE NTC Women in Nanotechnology & Diversity Equity Inclusion (WIN/DEI): Interview & Panel Discussion with Leaders
Session Chair: Kanika SINGH, IEEE NTC WIN Chair
Description: This panel aims to have an open conversation about career trajectories, potential challenges faced by engineers and key skills that our panelists have found beneficial in their personal experience. We will also discuss the role of mentoring in corporate and academic life, ways to find inspiring mentors and even using IEEE as a platform to collaborate and network.
SIS24: Nano/Micro Approaches for Biomedical Engineering
Session Chair: Hoon SEONWOO, Suncheon Nat’l Univ., Korea; Jangho KIM, Chonnam Nat’l Univ., Korea
Description: Nowadays, biomedical engineering field shows brilliant growth. In order to develop the field, various technologies, such as smart biomaterials, 3D printing, lithography, lab-on-a-chip, and biomechanics are used. The 3D printing will be widely used in the biomedical engineering because the technique can provide patient-specific devices. As we apply 3D printing, natural resource-derived biomaterials can be a competitive candidate because some of them have special functionality for biomedical engineering with high biocompatibility. Nanofabrication can be used relevantly for the regulation of stem cell fate. Furthermore, due to the importance of blood vessel tissue, the approaches in in vitro (with lab-on-a-chip approach) and in vivo (with biomechanics approach) are studied simultaneously. In this session, we introduce the various methods with nano/micro approaches for biomedical engineering.
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